Chester River Behavioral
Health and Wellness
EST. 1997

Initial Appointment
When you call Chester River Behavioral Health for an appointment, you will first speak with someone from our administrative staff. You will be asked to provide demographic data (address, birth date, phone, etc.), insurance coverage, the name of your primary physician, the reason you are seeking treatment, and any preferences you may have regarding your therapist. We do our best to match new clients with their preferences, but insurance coverage and therapist availability will sometimes dictate who you will be seeing.
Prior to scheduling your first appointment, you will be given a packet of forms which you will be asked to fill out. Most of these forms are available on this website under Forms and must be completed before any appointments can be scheduled. If you are unable to access the forms via this site, we will gladly send them to you via email, fax, or regular mail. Alternatively, you can come to our office and complete the forms there. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your first appointment time to complete the intake process. Your therapist will explain various policies and procedures to you. Most of this information is also available in the forms you have signed, and if you have any questions, you will have an opportunity to discuss them with your therapist.
Your first appointment is a collaborative effort between you and your therapist focused on assessing the reasons for seeking treatment and determining the best course of action to help you address your current needs. You will be asked questions to determine how your issues and concerns fit into the context of your life. For example, you may be asked questions about past and current relationships with family and significant others, your social network, work life, education, health, and past treatment. After this information is gathered, you and your therapist will discuss the most appropriate next step in your care.
You can expect to spend approximately 60 minutes with your therapist during this initial visit and follow-up appointments, if appropriate, will be made before you leave the office.
We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and thank you for choosing Chester River Behavioral Health.