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by Robert C. Denison, LCSW-C

Accept what comes from silence.

Make the best you can of it.

~Wendell Berry

In wilderness, it is said, trees are never lost. I find the

nearest, sit underneath and breathe. I inhale the best

of what the canopy, in an open sky, has to offer.

Leaning into this faithfulness, I find freedom from

a standpoint of certainty. A squirrel drinks silence.

Feeders attract, feathers sing songs I cannot make.

From your lines written vertically, I accept

the prompt, practice patient waiting for what

I do not know and yet, it eventually comes. You

slip through the leaves, pierce my darkness. Here,

I can let go of all expectations, use what I am given.

Of this continuing revelation,

I can only write a part of it.


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