Part II Raising Can Do Kids – Identifying the gifts through understanding AM
Part II Raising Can Do Kids – Identifying the gifts through understanding AM Written by Teresa MI Schaefer. PhD In part I of Raising Can...

Reiki for Recovery
Reiki for Recovery Written by Elizabeth Bohaker of White lotus Holistics Reiki should not be considered a “cure” for alcoholism or...

Raising Can Do versus Can’t Do Kids
Raising Can Do versus Can’t Do Kids – Focusing on Strengths Part I of a series Written by Teresa MI Schaefer, PhD One of my favorite...

Suicide and Depression: A Survivor's Perspective
The following contribution is made by a very dear friend. She and her family suffered a tragic loss in 1986 when her brother took his...

Suicide, Robin Williams, and Suicide Prevention Week
Suicide, Robin Williams, and National Suicide Prevention Week written by Teresa M.I. Schaefer, PhD* Claiming approximately one million...
Not Crazy -- Codependent
An interview with Sarah Smith-Putman on Adult Children of Adolescents.

Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
In 2008 the US House of Representatives proclaimed July as Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental...

Eye Movement Integration: A Specialty Treatment for PTSD and Phobia
by Pam Cambardella, LCSW-C Eye movement integration (EMI) was developed in 1989 by Steve and Connirae Anreas, PhD. It is an intervention...

Applauding Seekers of Mental Health and Wellness
by Sarah Smith-Putman, LCPC, LC-ADC Recently, I had a new client tell me on her initial visit that she felt ashamed and embarrassed. This...
Mental Health -- More Than a Month Long Endeavor
Written by Richard Wirtz, PsyD As the month of May comes to a close, I am reminded of a card that a former client sent me last year at...